umm where and besides why would you care bates even tho you attack me and jack and the others by your murderus thoughts and even tho i use my chains you gonna call me weak and say sorry and just continues to call me that and say comments to piss me off and continues to murder bates... just do me a favor bates and forget about me bates..../guards:ready???/yes *they walks to the location they were going to*
Sorry Echo, but something has gone extremely wrong with Mia! I need to help her!! What... Why aren't I through? OH COME ON!!
(So wtf do I do now? If I can't get in, what was the point? I'm lost now.)
so where are we going???/guards:just this way don't worry we not gonna murder/exe elizabeth:sorry about night slayer bates but so much shit been going on that she has enough
(They are dark vines...and what gets rid of darkness?)
*Communicates telepathically with Jack: Hey Jack...
(I keep on accidentally sending the messages before I'm done with them)
She lost her memory... I think it should be restored now, but I can't get in... *punches the gate*
geuss magic practice was all for nothing..*mummbles thanks anyways for keeping them on the low for a day anyways gaster...*
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23