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so what next????/guard#1:go to the galaxy hair stylist a friend of mine well help you there with a new hair color/alright *tp there*
(back from no say) *Half of his arm would be gone* DAMN IT
are you turning flower into nightslayer?
(but il be nice to you guys for today to call nightslayer flower just for today)
(Pap? U here still?)
*sighs hard
I can't use auto Heal for this.....
(Ya)*it works*
(did everyone die?
(So is the gate open now?)
????:oh a newcomer! come on!/ummm alright *comes*
(Mhm now you just have to get through the other 5 gates)
ok lets go in
????:sit one of the chairs plz/*does so and the stylist does flower hair*
*charges in* Mia... Hang tight. I'm coming for ya.

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23