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*Appears at his house and just sits in the corner*

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... *sigh* fine. *turns* I'll be back soon. Nexus, let's go. *walks through the portal*
we need to go to UnderFell, Deltarune,outertale, underfresh, Inktale, and My world
*appears where alex and mia were* okay come on flower could be here/exe:SHIT WHERE IS SHE?!?!? don't tell me another rival here
(flower...we both know nobody wants to be around bates..
*tps to jack*
Well, we are in UnderFell. I looked at the paper, I know where I'm going. Not my fault every Waterfall looks similar. *starts walking* Let go to Gerson's.
(well thats why you got your other oc RV rv the angel that some how died from unknown location which idk how that happened)
it's a long story..
*the whole place would be grey with an X on the ground* Looks like Maul has been here....
Mia:wait where did alex go?...
besides I don't allways see why people hate him...sure he goes crazy and does bad shet but you should know he never means it..
Mia:*tps home and cooks*
(>_> okay what ever happened i don't wanna know cause it could be bloody) NIGHTSLAYER *aka flower*/exe:just call her by her old name/FLOWER!!!!! WHERE ARE YOU (ehh well my oc nightslayer has enough and snapped)
Dude, I actually LIKE bates. He's cool. Plus, my OC does too, even if he gets pissed at him.
it was not bloody flower it was mostly a deal with to to running out for rv..
(Same here. On both counts)
Yeah. Still seems intact though.
rv had no time guys left her all alone during that time..

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23