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*leaves his lab sighing head with a new blindfold on* welp that was a bust

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I'm bored
*a wall of unbreakable error strings block Jack's way*
Mia:oh hi alex want to cook?
I'M GOING AS FAST AS I CAN, SMART ASS!!! *his wings appear and he accelerates, blasting forwards and leaving Maul way behind and phasing through the wall* NOPE
*back with nightslayer* s-s-s-so cold... s-s-someone h-help.. *is bleeding out*
*Walks through the wall* "Boring..." *Continues to follow Jack*
*flys after Jack*
*teleports to jack just bored in general
*Walks past Bates. He's now a ghost* "Hi Bates. Bye Bates."
*walking to the palace*well we're here.... we should ask mia maybe she knows since mia and alex been out during the wall of hate problem
*this theme starts to play as he is chasing Jack*
*sigh* "Don't even ask."
someone actally managed to kill del..
*flys passed Bates*
DAMN! HE'S PERSISTENT... *aims a hand at the doorway in front of them* CYA BITCH!! RADIANT RETRIBUTION!!!! *a dragon skull appears and fires at the doorway, making it crumble and blocking the way for Maul to keep following them*
*stops and sighs* i'll find you again and i will Kill you *vanishes*

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23