"Spoiler alert: It was me. I'll explain it later..."
*lands in front of Gerson's and runs in* Hello, I'd like to buy a certain special flower that you have.
*nightly and exe elizabeth walks in* hmmm
Mia:want to help.me cook befor i do paper work?*keeps cooking*
*nvm and they tp to mia* hey mia sorry for dropping in like this but do you see flower by any chance?
"Well, Bates...I guess now is as good of a time as any to explain what you missed..."
Thanks! Sorry to cut and run, but we don't want to put you in any danger! *opens another portal* GO GO GO!
*Walks through* *Once they are on the other side in Deltarune* "Wait....isn't Gerson dead in this AU?"
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23