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Seam: Good luck on your trip
how do you have this much g jack!
No I'm fine imma just go to my room ok?
*hands them the dream flower*
U OKAY!?!?!?/nightslayer:e-e-everything h-hurts..
Thank you! *opens a portal* GO! IN!
*rushes in to the portal
*Gives Seam 10000000000000000000000000000000000000 G* "See ya." *Walks through the portal*
Phew that was an easy one
*Seams mind:
... Oh god... UnderFresh? Really? Let's just go. *starts flying through Waterfall*
*Chases after Jack* "We need to make this one quick..."
*the whole place is messed up* it seams Maul has been here
*follows still so infused
r-r-run s-s-shes coming
what us this place...TOO MUCH FUCKING COLOUR

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23