did you forget about my ability *no one can hit him except Nexus*
Del When we have everything Go Tell Nova to make the potion
Heh. Well, I can work around that. I work outside of regular boundaries.
*mummbles leave me alone you bloody flesh eating bunnys..
"Got it." (I wonder how Nova will react to a ghost Del?)
Wanna test it? *grins and his left hand is encased in aqua flames*
*shaking*(yea ikr thats what im saying)
*the 70 hands disappear* Nah.... i already know your reviving Nexus so i would rather not die....
(Well, he can also throw G so...reasons)
*bates mummbles while passed out leave me alone...and he crys abit
*Throws 10000000000000000000000000000000000000 G*
*trying to breath* ... n-nightly?.... m-mia?? *falls passed out due to the skin of the lungs removed and blood loss*
*Grabs it* "You take Bates." *Drops him* *Vanishes*
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23