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*and appears back to nightslayer lungs*
woman woman woman lets not be mad *he crys abit his eyes are normal
*points his hand at Bates and a dragon skull materializes next to him* try that again... And this will happen to you. RADIANT RETRIBUTION!!! *the skill fires a beam of silver light, barely missing Bates and vaporizing the building behind him*
jesus christ the chains gonna be the death of me.
woah w oah woah)
Don't move and i won't fire
(fucking autocorrect..
Nexus, I think he gets it now.
*coughs out blood*
*ignores Jack*
*Reappears at the top of a huge mountain* "I was the only one who tried to save anyone other than Mia....yet I still get treated like this..." *Charges a sphere of Chaos and Hatred* *Rams the sphere into the top of the mountain, demolishing the entire mountain, as well as a HUGE area around the base of it with the single explosive hit*
fuck this...I have to go treat my self...even trying to fake a sence failed...
*walks away
shoots the blaster barely missing Bate*
!!! *gets hit
*he falls over in so much pain crying a lot
Shit i ment to miss.......

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23