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*Soul turns completely gray and his eyes do the same*

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*it seems he's lost control*
* opens his hand and a dragon skull materializes next to him*
*growls a bit*
*the chains tighten the grip and flower felt sick* umm brb *tp to nearest trashcan and barfs out blood and chains* JESUS CHRIST DID MY CORRUPTED SIDE DID SOMETHING >_< *got sick*
*makes a fuck load of toys apper to pin down nexus* DOG POWER
*blasts off the toys*
Nexus... It won't kill you, but it will definitely knock you out. Chill out. I don't feel like leaving you with one hp.
(not toys..
*Kills random monsters throughout the underground*
btw dels on a killing rampage..
*an ! shows up under Jack*
(yup. :/)
>_< *felt it again and barf out blood and chains* GOD I THINK CORRUPTED FLOWER ADDED TO MUCH CHAINS >_< *trying to breath*
*tos Jack to her quick
*tps to nexus and underpants slaps them

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23