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(so say bye to nightslayer cause she gonna be deleted)
"Fine." *Appears behind Jack, kicking him forward before he can react, then launching all of the spheres at him*
(You can still dodge the orbs, btw)
(Or even send them at Del. :P)
*blasts yep he
(alright its done flowergirl can no longer be my character brb ima delete another)
Them all to nothing*
*Appears in front of Jack while the dust clears* "Too slow." *Spikes him to the ground*
i-i cant believe it... flower gone forever... she can't respawn..
... jesus hell *got info a new person* hmm??? *checks it out*
*tps back in front of him before he hits the ground and punches him, sending him flying backwards* NICE TRY
(and besides i still got corrupted flowergirl so that's why)
(If you want, I could include a meter for how tired he is. This form is ultra-deadly, but drains a lot. Plus, he already wiped out almost every AU once)
*Catches his fist* *Knees Jack with unfathomable speed, then tosses him to the ground*
angel demon flower??? hmm oh well it replace the flower that corrupted so.
*tps to jack*
(You want the meter so that you know how tired his is?) *The TP fails*
*Bounces off the ground and punches Del faster than he can even follow the movement to* (sure)

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23