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*accepts* ... next up ignoring bates for taking her comments way to serious *walks away* jesus christ..

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*tps to the normal grillbys set up and orders a hot chocolate*
(45/100) "Not too bad..." *Tosses a small ball of chaos/hate overhead, which floats midair* *Lands on the ground, rolling and lunging at Jack, punching his gut*
*falls asleep*
*tp to grillbys not paying attention to bates and orders whiskey* *sighs* can't believe it flower's gone... she trying to say sorry to bates... *sighs* god everything went to fucking shit..
*Or not, depends on if you dodge or block. :P*
*blocks and deflects it back*
*The ball begins to expand and become unstable* (39/100) *Rolls, landing below the orb*
*vapes* might as well do what she likes to do which it's vaping don't know why
Heh. Now, time to get serious. *gauntlets appear on his hands and the sword vanishes*
And now for the real test. HEHEHEHEH!! EVOLUTION!!!!
*smirk* *The ball explodes, raining thunderbolt-shaped streaks of chaos/hatred all over the field, bombarding everything the way*
*a flash of aqua comes from Jack, and upon clearing, he has a full suit of armor. Orange gauntlets, red greaves and helm, and the rest is a startling aqua*
*drinks whiskey* ugh everything went to shit to fast
(I meant to use ', not enter, ignore that)
umm hello???/exe:oh hey you must be the new flower.. half dead tho
(That's 4 times today. -_-)

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23