*wakes up after a few hours* ngh... !! *boots upright and sees Del passed out* Holy shit... It worked... *shivers* Ugh... I HATE doing that!
(And I hated having you do it. Let's agree on this: NEVER AGAIN
(Jack will rarely ever use that, because one: he's relying on the dark portion of his abilities, and two: He feels like a scumbag for tricking people like that)
(wb Jack) *Wakes up, slowly standing up, holding his side in pain* "Ngh..."
*has his back to him* Hey pal... Have a nice nap?
*Sharp pain in his side forces him to one knee* (It finally works)
... I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't have posed as someone else. I don't know who it was... Or how many painful memories it may have brought back...
Because a Random Person broke into my apartment and i'm freaking the fuck out
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23