(K. Cya. Hey some rest pal.don't be like me and wake up at 4 pm)
*chuckles* "Guess I'll be seeing ya Jack..." *Vanishes*
Alright I'ma Head out cause its 2:51 AM and i don't wanna stay up until 3:00 AM cause its the Devils hour
... Well... This will be fun getting back. (5am here)
*opens a portal* Let's just hope we don't come out in the air...
*Thinks back on the fight. For plot reasons, he can now remember the fight*
I stay up all night on days were I'm very emotionally unstable so it's like a copeing mechanism for me
*picks up Alex and puts him on his shoulders* Let's go home. *walks through the portal*
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23