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I have a IQ of 123 higher than the average adult but because of that my brain cant handle stimulation same wi thg my father he is literally a genius IQ 156 but that means he is very unstable like in our family depression is like passed down)

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I ha b
Have mild, subconsious depression b/c of all the shit from my family. My dad's side hates my mom, except for my granfather, and my family in general that I currently live with hates me.h
I also have a multi-faceted personality. Most of my emotions are like completely different versions of me.
Ya mine like started in 6th when I
Had to stop my friend from .....killing himself I was the only one that knew so i was the only one to stop it
Imma go
Hell, I've been scared myself a few times, seeing a more insane side of me. When I'm alone and angry over something, I occasionally kind of lose it for a few minutes where I can't stop laughing over everything, or pointing out to myself the faults of the person that made me angry.
Oh shit... That's rough...
Well, if you wanna play MC later, I'm down.
Ya.. l3ts just rp now)
Del? You still here!
K. Awesome.
Y33 br0 i!€Ik @2y m○r3)
(Also, I just thought I'd mention, but the condition of the Vanish realm does affect Del's current condition)
*Sighs* *In Vanish realm* "What was I thinking?" *Begins to repair the damage caused by his battle with Jack*
You ok kiddo?

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23