well more action for me *locks the door and close it*
*and is outside keeping an out just incase if they break*
*goes up stairs tired abit and goes outside with his coffee and drinks it*
Levi is still sitting on that pile of dead zombies, smoking
hmm *look and went out away from the cabin*
"It's quiet today" he states to himself "wonder where all the survivors are? I mean their usually everywhere" he's talking to himself it seems
*flips a switch near the barb wire and the zomvies all die electrocuted and fall over and he flips the switch again
hey flower! or.... night girl! get me the brom in the living rokm please
Levi sees the electricity coming from the barb wires "i'm so glad i didn't go over there" he mutters to himself before taking a drag of his cigarette
*nightslayer already gone*
*she off to make her own home she did what she needed to do now shes off*
Levi pushes himself off the bodies and gets a few feet away from them he throws the cigarette forwards so it hits the bodies and lights the pile on fire as he watches
If the constant shots didn't alert anyone of him the fire sure as hell would
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23