trust me things cant last
the zombies mostly just run in to the barb and die and I clean it now and then
people bring me food and stuff and I make medicane to help this people
well dont say i warned you il check outside see if any survivers
*heads out to see if any survivers *
*a bunch of zombies trying to get past the barb wire
well more action for me *locks the door and close it*
*and is outside keeping an out just incase if they break*
*goes up stairs tired abit and goes outside with his coffee and drinks it*
Levi is still sitting on that pile of dead zombies, smoking
hmm *look and went out away from the cabin*
"It's quiet today" he states to himself "wonder where all the survivors are? I mean their usually everywhere" he's talking to himself it seems
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23