we should start walking to a nearest doctor it's not safe here
*jumps out infront of them* state your name *points autofire assault rifle infront of them*
*got a flame thrower pointed at kaidre* i should do the same *to kaidre*
ultra sithlord and this is echo sithlord
and don't try it i'm fast as heck so -_-/nightly:FLOWER WHERE WERE YOU!?!?/oh hi nightly
yea but i let people call me wolf cause my name sound stupid af
*leaves his lab with supplies and kills zombies easily on the way whistling
*heavy breathing * @_@ i need get to the gym more
*gives medical supplies to any survivors at the town
*holds it down* my name is Kaidre now do you know anything about this zombie shit?
*people tell medicus about the yelling nd stuff they heard from ultra and medicus heads over that direction
why you asking me? i barley knew this shit someone must of caused it ether that idk
but shouldn't echo have turned by now
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23