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Forums » Roleplay » Zombie rp

I have a Levi oc)
((Ah fuck- i might have to change my oc's name then
I'm medicus..
Idk it's my normal main u dont have to)
nice to meed you medicus
one sec *grabs his coffee and drinks it with the mask on
why the hell you drinking coffee with mask on?
Levi pulls a bunch of dead zombies into a pile and just kinda sits on them, he sets his gun down and pulls out a cigarette, lights it and takes a long drag before blowing the smoke out of his missing cheel
I hate people so yeah and one more thing but they might all be dead..
oh cute. wait why?
what's your name..
*pulls out a id * *id: name:nightslayer last name:flowergirl*
*walks starts walking around*
*info:a undead hunter* (in the zombie rp)
*and put it away*
geez...that name sucks so ima call you flowey..

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23