At the knock, there was the briefest pause before the sound of running, scrambling steps could be heard

"Are you here 'bout tha ad?" a red-haired young woman had asked, the door barely yanked open before her accented voice abruptly asked her question, as though the stranger should have known what she was talking about! Eager expectation expressed in her brown eyes and freckled facial features.

"Are you here 'bout tha ad?" a red-haired young woman had asked, the door barely yanked open before her accented voice abruptly asked her question, as though the stranger should have known what she was talking about! Eager expectation expressed in her brown eyes and freckled facial features.
as she opened the door , she saw a giant humanoid creature covered in smoke in ash as if it just feel from the sky, the creature was bleeding green and trembling a bit from the burning leaving what looked to be a creator where it landed and being almost completely unconscious .

from the looks of it this creature looked to be aquatic, almost like an octopus from the face though a few of its tentacles were missing as if they have been cut off , but amazingly this thing was still alive just barely.

from the looks of it this creature looked to be aquatic, almost like an octopus from the face though a few of its tentacles were missing as if they have been cut off , but amazingly this thing was still alive just barely.

"Oh boy, oh hells, what-" There was a stunned moment where the red-head didn't know what she was looking at before she started talking, very quickly.
"What- what are you?!" she gasped "What if my neighbors see you!? They'll hit the roof they will! You... I can't let them see you." The realisation dawned on the woman, instincts kicked in and took over her fear, the woman acting in a way that most likely, was weird by the standards of most human beings.

"You are, oof NOT here... 'bout, tha ad!..." the woman said between gasps, as she attempted to pull the creature in through her apartment door.
"But ah can't... Let them, dissect you- you whateveryouare. Come on big boy, gimme a hand..." She wheezed, trying to drag the poor creature inside, had thought that of everyone that might find it, she might be the only one not wanting to immediately examine him.
"Do you need water? What's that on your face the- oh boy that IS your face." She realised as the red-head tried to figure out, how someone might help this strange, mutant, alien, zombie, whatever he was, thing.

"I, I am NOT doing CPR ..." She admitted, there was a line she wasn't willing to cross with this thing bleeding green...
the creature was heavy as she dragged it in quickly before others could see it however it look like its wounds were already healing , as she got a closer look a it seem make some kind of audible noise, but it sounded as if it groaned despite its distortion

as she tried to move it a against the wall it moved a bit on its own by thing the wounds it had earlier were almost completely healed , its tentacles began to move themselves it was waking up and it made more of what sounded like groaning as it opened its eyes

it looked at her a bit , but it was clear it was still recovering from what ever happens it

as she tried to move it a against the wall it moved a bit on its own by thing the wounds it had earlier were almost completely healed , its tentacles began to move themselves it was waking up and it made more of what sounded like groaning as it opened its eyes

it looked at her a bit , but it was clear it was still recovering from what ever happens it

Dragging him in proved rather difficult, but once the monster was inside and the door was locked the woman hoped that no one would come looking for this thing: What WAS he?! She didn't stop to wonder if her actions had been foolhardy, or dangerous; either had a screw loose so that she didn't fear for her safety, or some other motive was driving her on. They SEEMED alright for the moment however, the thing even seemed to be healing a little bit, so she took the chance to recover her energies a little.

"Ugh. That was not what I expected t'find at my door! ... Is this stuff toxic? I didn' think a that before..." The green blood of the creature was all over her hands and socks, shoe-less as she was when she'd answered her door and dragged in the strange fellow, green blood all over the floor and the creature, even while he grumbled and slowly appeared to recover some.
"Actually do you need water to live? Ya LOOK like you need water to live." She was talking to herself for the most part, moving about the tiny flat and got some water to clean up, uncertain and uncaring as to whether this thing was going to pose great danger. By the time the alien creature awoke the woman had cleaned up - for the most part.

Soaking wet towels were thrown over the aquatic looking thing, one for each shoulder, since he was so big. By the looks of the small flat it was likely that he was given the only two towels that the red-haired punk owned, the small space both messy and sparse all at once. Most of the unusual green blood was washed away by the time he woke up leaving just a few green stains on the floor, a basket overflowing with laundry to be taken away was in one corner while a desk covered with sculpting tools and a strange sculpture lay in the other. The woman herself was seated on the floor of the room, her back to the only couch in sight with her game console resting unused on a cardboard box in front of her, eyes closed as, apparently, she attempted to recover from the tiring situation...
as olympus woke up he was dazed for sec the shot up and immediately began looking in his surroundings frantically , so many questions going through his head (where am i? what happened ? what is this place a different planet? how far am i from valgaris? ) he almost panicked and started making kraken like noises , a bunch of roars hisses and growls.

he then scratched his head a bit but was immediately was baffled by the small cloth on his back he continued to look around confused , he spoke a bit but nothing came out other then kraken noises and some static noises. he rubbed his neck a bit , then sighed "" his voice sounded distorted and robotic as if it wasnt *his* voice , it sounded more like a computer made voice . he looked at the cloth on his back incredibly confused.

he looked around the room again when he spotted the red headed , female laying across the room , he tilted his head a bit and got up to approch her quietly , she looked almost dead to hi but notice she was breathing and the small stains of his blood on her , he touched her gently trying not to wake her but wanting to observe her form carefully he had never seen a creature like her before . " you are the one who aided me ? but you are so....." he stared at her for a second then looked around " small and fragile " he sat next her staring until she woke up to answer his questions.

he then scratched his head a bit but was immediately was baffled by the small cloth on his back he continued to look around confused , he spoke a bit but nothing came out other then kraken noises and some static noises. he rubbed his neck a bit , then sighed "" his voice sounded distorted and robotic as if it wasnt *his* voice , it sounded more like a computer made voice . he looked at the cloth on his back incredibly confused.

he looked around the room again when he spotted the red headed , female laying across the room , he tilted his head a bit and got up to approch her quietly , she looked almost dead to hi but notice she was breathing and the small stains of his blood on her , he touched her gently trying not to wake her but wanting to observe her form carefully he had never seen a creature like her before . " you are the one who aided me ? but you are so....." he stared at her for a second then looked around " small and fragile " he sat next her staring until she woke up to answer his questions.

Resting on the ground against the couch, Aoife had tried to catch her breath, wasn't sure how long she was resting for before something sounded in the small room. She might have fallen asleep, since she didn't remember letting her eyes close; the surprise she got not a welcome one.

Squirming, squashing, tentacles. That was the first thing she saw as she awoke so close, it might as well have been a nightmare.

"SCREEEEE!" The Irish punk let out a very girlish scream, though instinctively she KICKED at the squirmy squashy thing! Not realising who it was or what went on for a few seconds before finally, the woman regained composure.
"Don't. SCARE me like that!" The woman huffed and settled in finally, still in her socks she sat cross-legged on that old couch, her one hand rested on her chest - as though she might manage to quiet her hammering panicked heart-beat.
"Near gave me a heart attack- I could 've hurt ya...!" She was, worried? Yes she was worried about the strange creature that appeared aquatic and bled green blood all over the apartment floor. She wore a look of concern, the young red-head offering a deep breath before she began to explain.
"Look I'm- I'm like you! Well, not exactly like you, obviously; but I recon I'm more like YOU than other people walkin' around." She explained, inexplicably... A moment of indecision passed as she seemed to weigh her options, before Aoife finally decided it was better to show him, than to tell.
"My name's Aiofe, I dunno if you can understand me or anythin' really; but maybe this'll explain some o' the odd things I've been doing." She introduced herself first with her name, then with a stunning display, the fingers of the slender female closing into fists and tensing, small explosions being created right there from nothing clashing to nothing.
"See I got some strange explosion power or what have ye. I dunno, maybe I'm mutated, got too many microwave meals somethin' or other. X-gene? Comic book stuff haah. So, I didn' figure you'd bee too much ta handle seen' how I'd make a big bang if it came ta tha', an' I didn't want you bein' found out by any NORMAL people since they might 'a put you in a lab or ... Or..." She paused, had been looking at her blackened palms after the small explosions had come from her fingertips, trailing off once Aoife finally looked up at the cthulhu thing once again.

"... You, aren't wearing any clothes. Are you?" She asked incredulously and pointed at the floor, meaning to indicate his "nether regions" out.
"Hah, maybe don't go out anywhere lookin' the way you are yeah? And... ah, maybe don't tell anyone, I screamed like that when I woke up hahah." Aoife added, wore an embarrassed smile up at the imposing monster, the punk apparently rather odd in the way that she thought even when considering, her incredibly strange situation.
as Aoife stared at the rock she poked at it a little only for it st start shaking a bit and pulsing a dim green light Aoife immediatly backed away as the rock started to float over the table

she stared at it confused as it slowly began to take shape and form and a small halo like ring started to appear above it

then the light started to take a humanoid appearance

before the light disappated and left some type of celestial like creature that had long greenish cloud like hair and a ring structure over it head much like the planet saturn's rings along with almost a pale greenish hue to its skin , though it was clear this creature was alive sitting on the table it looked like it was sleep .

she stared at it confused as it slowly began to take shape and form and a small halo like ring started to appear above it

then the light started to take a humanoid appearance

before the light disappated and left some type of celestial like creature that had long greenish cloud like hair and a ring structure over it head much like the planet saturn's rings along with almost a pale greenish hue to its skin , though it was clear this creature was alive sitting on the table it looked like it was sleep .

Moderators: Flareanthia