"I'm afraid I can't tell you the answer. I'm afraid...that I can't tell it to any one of you!"
Inori got silenced by those words. She calmed down and held out her hand, which held a key. "Here." she simply said, regretting the demanding behaviour she showed.
Tatsuya blankly stares at the ground while taking the key from Inori.
Spamton eats quickly. The salesman hasn't had a proper meal in years. "I USED TO BE A [Big Shot!], YOU KNOW. THE BIGGEST IN [The City]. I THOUGHT I HAD [Everything you'd ever want!]. BUT I DIDN'T WANT TO BE JUST A [Puppet] ANYMORE. I WANTED TO TAKE CONTROL OF MY [$4.99] LIFE. WHEN I TOLD THAT TO [Him], HE JUST STOPPED TALKING TO ME. SALES WENT DOWN THE [Drain] [Drain] AND I FOUND MYSELF [Living in a god damn garbage can?!]."
"Him? Who's it? Your manager..or something?"
" It's ready!" Yue said, as she cheerfully placed the table with delicious looking fish, mostly shrimp, which gave off an attractive aroma. [here
"Oh, thanks!" Wakumi said with starry eyes and began to eat as well.
Arielle Niarae wrote:
"Him? Who's it? Your manager..or something?"
"NO, I BECAME A SALESMAN FOR THE [Freedom]. TO MAKE YOUR OWN [Deals], TO CALL YOUR OWN [Shots]. [He] TOLD ME TRICKS ON HOW TO BECOME A [Big Shot!!!]. I WANTED TO DO IT [All By Yourself? You have to be kidding.]." The last glitch gave him a voice so deep and so slow that it didn't even sound real.
Clary couldn't report to the principal in fact she seemed to be missing from everything nobody knew where she was as she lay collapsed against the wall her breathing slowed to the point of possible death.
Mimoyo was a strict teacher. She never slacked off during her duty. She paused walking and enabled her 'Scan', which was her special power. She used this to find out the location of people in the whole school. "Let's see...Harith is in his room, jumping around? No, he's probably practising. Inori is on the rooftop with Mikio Sensei. Arielle, Spamton, Wakumi and Yue are at the dining hall. Reina is at the principal's office with him. Looks like someone is missing... She checked the scan properly
"That girl!! Her name... it's...Clary Fairchild!!" She remembered. She noticed that the scan showed Clary static at a corner. "What's she doing?" Kizuki waited for Clary to move. The point named 'Clary' didn't move. "Smells like trouble.. I should go there "
"I EVEN MANAGED TO SURPASS THAT DAMN [Clown Around Town]!!! BUT UNLIKE HIM, I'M GONNA [Shoot for the sky!] AND GET ON THE PATH TO...... [The Big One]..." He said.
Clary didn't move her skin getting pale, and her body flickering from invisible to visible.
Mimoyo fastens her pace, making her way to where the point named Clary showed it was. Reaching there, she knelt down and put her hand gently on the half- visible and half-invisible Clary. She became fully visible at Kizuki's touch. Mimoyo found Clary looking pretty pale. She then located Wakumi on the scan and send a signal to her. Mimoyo did not leave Clary, and sat beside Clary. Telepathy-talking was common within teachers, and Kizuki used it to personally talk to Wakumi. "Come to sector B, Hallway immediately with your First-Aid kit. Clary doesn't seem to be fine."
Wakumi was eating her fish, when she heard Mimoyos telepathic message. She was shocked that something happened to Clary.
"Okay, got it." she stood up and turned to the others. "Sorry, I got an emergency. I would like to have someone to pack away my fish and take it to my office. I will finish it later."
She then stormed out of the canteen, into her office to grab her fist-aid kit, then to where Mimoyo and Clary was located.
"I am here!" she told Mimoyo as she got to the scene and crouched down to Clary. "What happened to her?"
"Okay, got it." she stood up and turned to the others. "Sorry, I got an emergency. I would like to have someone to pack away my fish and take it to my office. I will finish it later."
She then stormed out of the canteen, into her office to grab her fist-aid kit, then to where Mimoyo and Clary was located.
"I am here!" she told Mimoyo as she got to the scene and crouched down to Clary. "What happened to her?"
"Understood, Sensei!" Arielle nodded, as Wakumi departed. She, with the help of Yue, started packing the fish.
"I don't know, to be honest. I just was on patrol duty when I happened to check my scan, and found Clary like this. " She replied, somewhat tensed.
"Alright, lets take her to the infarmary after I checked her." Wakumi said to crouched down to Clary, examining her.
Spamton decided that there was no one left in the room. He laughed maniacally for a minute or two before climbing into the trashcan and just... Resting there.
"Umm...Okay. I'll leave her to you." Mimoyo says, putting her hand in her little pocket,"Oh! I have to give this potion to Spamton." she remembered, feeling the bottle in her pocket.
Moderators: CeciliaAlcott22 Inori Saegusa (played by RoyalWisdom)