This is a large open garage located on the East side of the city, close to Holtzen owned warehouses that house older models or simply decommissioned ones of Iron Saints. This garage is a very large building with large gantries to allow the fixing and maintenance of Iron Saints for the city. Able to take in the Iron Saints and have the Iron Saints return back to work once they are fixed or have done there regular maintenance. Even though the garage is owned by the Holtzen Family, those who work at the garage are given significant freedom to do as they please as long as the Iron Saints are fixed on schedule.
Any Xu/Nari/ nonalign associates are not allowed on in or around the garage
Any Xu/Nari/ nonalign associates are not allowed on in or around the garage
Moderators: maxd234 EnkeliAgon Thatnerdychick Veliona