Tilly "school was good and got a negative comment"
Lisa "What did the mean girl and her mean friends said"? (21 savage)"I wanna know as well"
tilly "They said who would wear an ugly jean sweater and those not-cute jeans and the same boy said something again he said who would red on top of red and then said Hey Kool-aid Called he wants his redback and everyone started Laughing"
Lisa mhm but she didn't say anything else when that happened (21 savage)"Bro that crack me up just now"
Lisa "Its no problem sis now brush your teeth and did you charge your Chromebook"?
Tilly "Its charging now and so is my phone" (21 savage)"what iPhone have you got"? Tilly "iPhone X and I am getting the iPhone XR for Christmas"
Lisa "I liked what you picked out for school Tomorrow"
Lisa watched her sister brush her teeth
Tilly was done brushing her teeth and flossing as well she grabbed her Carmex Lip balm and put it on her Lips and turned off the bathroom Light and went back to her room
Tilly "Good night sis" she grabbed her sleeping mask and put it on and turned off the Light
Tilly was a sound a sleep cuddling next to her stuffed animal