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Forums » Roleplay » how was school

The very next day
Lisa was packing the trunk with toys for Stuff a Bus
Tilly was at school
Lisa closed the trunk and locked the car back
Tilly was at school
lisa went back to the house and Locked the door behind her
Tilly wore a dark green sweater with kaki long pants with suede ankle high heel boots
Lisa was at the bus stop waiting for Tilly
Tilly was getting on the bus heading Home
The next hour Later
Tilly and everyone was watching the news
Lisa was in the kitchen making dinner called chicken Katsudon "how was school Today"?
Tilly "school was Good and got another negative comment off of my outfit"
Lisa "What did the mean girl and her mean friends say"?
tilly "Yesterday they said I wouldn't be caught dead wearing those jeans with those ugly looking boots and the stars belong on the american flag and the sweater need to be in the closet and the same boy said something again he said The chicken Called it needs its feather's back and you got them right there and everyone started Laughing"
Lisa "I bet she kept her mouth shut when that was said"
The very next night Tilly was done with her bath
Lisa had tilly food fix
Tilly wore a Long sleeve pink Pajama Top with Pink and blue plaid Pajama Pants with Fuzzy Pink socks
The next morning