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Forums » Roleplay » how was school

Lisa was almost done cleaning the salmon up
Tilly was almost done with her homework
Lisa was done cleaning salmon and started cooking the bacon
Tilly was done with her homework from art class she closed out from the internet and put her chromebook in her book bag with her sketch pad
Lisa was still cooking the bacon
The very next hour Later
Lisa was seasoning the salmon with seafood seasoning
Tilly plugged in the Chromebook charger and plugged in the chromebook then headed down stairs to make the rice
The next hour Later
Tilly was in the bathroom getting ready to take her bath
The next day
Tilly was at school
Lisa was doing some more college Homework
Tilly wore a goldish cross stitch shirt with long blue pants with cross stitch on the sides with gold new balance sneakers and with the watch
Lisa was doing more college work
The next hour Later
Lisa was at the bus stop waiting for Tilly
Tilly was on the bus coming home
The next hour Later
Tilly was finished with homework and packed her Career Journal and then took out her chromebook and charger and started charging it in her room