Tilly "school was good and got another negative comment from my outfit again Just like yesterday"
Lisa "what did the Mean girl and her mean friends said"?
Tilly "They said who would come to school wearing something that doesn't look cute and who wears new balance its throwing me off balance and then they started Laughing and the same boy said something again he said I know something that is throwing off balance it is the girl who has no rhythm and everyone started Laughing"
Lisa "They have everyone reason to laugh at the mean girl because she tries to be center of Attention and what did she say Yesterday?"
Tilly "She said who would wear that ugly color with those ugly color converse sneakers just by looking at the whole thing is ugly and then they started Laughing and the same boy said something what's ugly and doesn't be look at oh wait I am sitting right in front of it and the whole Lunch room started Laughing"
The next hour Later which was bath time
Tilly was in the bathroom taking a bath
Lisa was down stairs getting leftovers from out the fridge
Tilly was done taking her bath and let the water out of the tub
Lisa "Good thing there is a good amount of salmon left from Last night's dinner"
Tilly wore a pink long sleeve pink Pajama top with blue and pink plaid pajama pants with pink fuzzy socks
Lisa drove to the bus stop to get Tilly
Tilly "Got in the car it was good actually and got a negative comment off my outfit"
Tilly wore a white turtle neck with brown plaid v-neck shirt with jeans with rips and has leggings under them with her Timberland boots