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Lisa "what are you wearing for school Tomorrow"?

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Tilly "I am Light yellow sweater with Light blue jeans and light yellow converse just need to find a purse"
Lisa "That's good and that purse you picked out is very pretty"
Tilly "The rice is done and when I came across my Iphone x cases in my closet I found a Louis Vuitton Iphone x case"
Lisa "I remember when you and the burbank Kids and Lil Baby went to Louis Vuittion outlet he brought you that case for your Phone"
The very next hour Later
Lisa was getting the table set for dinner
Tilly was done with her bath and was lotioning up and putting on Deodorant
Lisa was still setting the table and then went to get Glasses to put water in
Tilly wore a Yellow Twill silk Pajama top with the silk Twill yellow Pajama pants Prada fluffy House Slippers
Lisa was done setting up the table as more people came down and waited for Tilly
Tilly made sure her chromebook was charging and then headed down the steps towards the kitchen
Lisa heard footsteps and saw her sister coming down the stairs
Tilly smiled "Hey Everyone " (Mom and Dad)"Hey sweetie we heard about the dance your Having" Tilly "Yep and Tevin Text saying we are wearing sliver I got a dress that is sliver sequinned long sleeve Micheal Kors Dress and he has a sliver sequinned bow Tie" (Mom and Dad)"That's is beautiful and Oh yea we even got you a Hummer Limo for you and your Friends"
Lisa "Me and Leah are going to take you and tevin Picture" she started passing the food around the table the Pork chops Looks yummy
Tilly "What kind of pork Chops are these"?
Lisa "These are french Onion Pork Chops"

(Cousin Gang Banging Andy/more gang bangers/more Girls/Litjitm3n/Jwavytt/Blue Face/2 Chainz/Future)"Tell us more about Tevin"?
Tilly "I known Tevin since Kindergarten I cheered from Kindergarten up to fifth Grade he Played football all the way up to fifth Grade and then we bacame friends with each other and then we delevope a crush on each other he asked me out and I said Yes then that's it"
The next hour Later everyone is eating
Tilly "Dinner is delicious sis and the veggies are good"