Lisa "Thanks sis I do say so um I made a dessert which was easy to make it is in the fridge" (Auntie Kimmey and Uncle Darrin) "This dinner is delicious Lisa Thanks and the veggies are tasty" (Grandma and Grandpa)"The dinner is Fantastic well done Lisa'
Tilly was still eating her dinner (Blue Face)'how old is tevin"? Tilly "wiped her Mouth he is my age 10 we go to same school and ride the same bus together"
The next hour Later cleaning up the Kitchen
Lisa was putting Leftovers in the fridge
Tilly was wiping the stove down with a Clorox wipe
Mom and dad was washing the dishes
Jwavytt was sweeping under the table
Lisa pulled in the chairs (21 Savage) "dinner was amazing" Lisa "It was I did a good Job"
Lisa "alright everyone The dessert is ready to be eaten its something a little different" she looked at the Clock it was going on 10:30
lisa "It is called Maja Blanca it is Filipino Dessert" she passed bowls of Maja Blanca around for everyone to taste
Tilly "Can I have my phone back" (Mom) "You will get back in a minute sweetie right after this dessert"
Tilly "This desert is yummy and the corn gives it a crunch and sweetness when you take a bit of it"
Lisa "The coconut Milk is refreshing and is very sweet"
Tilly "This is good I really like it hope there is more Tomorrow" (Mom and Dad)"she made a second Batch of this we must say this is very refreshing and tasty and something easy to make'
Tilly "Thanks for desert its my bed time" (Mom)"here is your phone sweetie" Tilly "Thanks"