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Forums » Roleplay » how was school

The next hour Later
Tilly was done taking care of her teeth she took a Olly kids sleep gummy and the put Carmex Lip balm on her lips and turned the light off in the bathroom and then put her phone on Charger
lisa was in the bed sleeping
Tilly took off her slippers and got into the bed she had her sleep mask on and her phone charging and then fell asleep with her stuffed animal in her arms
To be continued
Tilly was at school
Lisa was doing more college work
Tilly wore a cream yellow sweater with light blue jeans and the converse shoes to match and the pearl bracelet
Lisa was doing more college work
Tilly was getting off the bus
Lisa saw Tilly and unlocked the door
Tilly smiled and got into the Car and put her seatbelt on
Lisa "how was school"?
Tilly "school was good got a negative comment off of my outfit"
Lisa "what did the mean girl and her mean friends said"?
Tilly "They said no one would come to school wearing that ugly yellow sweater and those jeans that someone cut a hole in the knees and those not even cute converse and the purse needs to be return to the store and the same boy said something again he said Two face called he needs his outfit back and his face back and everyone started Laughing"
The very next hour which was bath time
Tilly was taking her bath
Lisa was in the shower
The next hour Later