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Forums » Roleplay » how was school

Lisa was unlocking the car for her sister and saw yellow Lights flashing
Tilly was getting off the bus she said goodbye to her friends and boyfriend and avoid the mean girls and the mean boyfriend
Lisa smiled
Tilly walked over to the back seat and spoke to Adrian and her sister"
Lisa "How was school"?
Tilly took off her book bag and then her mask and "school was good got a negative comment off of my outfit"
Lisa "what did the mean girl and her mean friends said"
Tilly "They said whoever gave her that sweater shouldn't give it back to the store where it came from with the price tag on it along with those ugly flats shoes and the purse look like a rainbow puked all over it and same boy said something again he said well well look what we have here something that looks like a horse and has the teeth of a horse and I am sitting infront of it and everyone busted out laughing"
the next hour Later
Tilly was in the study room playing with her Clarinet
Lisa Looked at the clock it was going on 5:30
Tilly was still practicing her Clarinet
Lisa was watching the news
Tilly was still practicing her Clarinet
Lisa heard her mom and dad and everyone else coming in from work
Tilly wore her chanel eye glasses and was almost done practicing her instrument
The next hour Later
Tilly was putting her instrument away into her book bag with the clarinet song book
Lisa "What"s for dinner"? (Mom and Dad)"we are having for dinner is Subway"
Tilly turned the light off in the study room and headed towards her bedroom and then turned on the Light in her room