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Lisa "Okay"
Tilly took out her chromebook and the chromebook charger she plugged in the charger into the wall and then charged it
The very next hour Later heading To subway to get dinner
another minute Later in the bath tub
Lisa "Im guessing Tilly is taking a bath (Dad)"Good thing I told you to buy two Footlongs one for your dinner tonight and one for your dinner on the weekend and I brought Two Footlongs for Tilly"
The next hour Later which was bed time
Lisa was in the bed sleeping
Tilly was already done taking care of her braces she put Carmex Lip Balm on her lips then turned off the light and headed to her room she took out her phone and charged it up she put her sleep mask on and pull the covers back on the bed and grabbed her hello kitty plush and fell a sleep
To be continued
The next day
Lisa was doing some more college work
Tilly was at school
Lisa was still doing more college work
Tilly wore 3 inch quarter grey Longsleeve shirt with a black heart with Light blue jeans and her Sperry"s shoes with the infinity necklace and diamond earrings
Lisa waited for Tilly
Tilly was on the school bus coming home
Lisa saw yellow lights flashing
Tilly was getting off the bus and said goodbye to her friends and her boyfriend and everything
The very Next hour Later
The very next day