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Tilly came down stairs

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Lisa "Hey sis your just in Time so what did the mean girl and her mean friends said"?
Tilly "They said you need to take off that ugly outfit along with the shoes thinking you are all that along with those not even cute earrings and the sameboy said something again he said why don't you take off that ugly face I get sick just thinking about it and everyone started laughing"
The very next hour Later which was Bed Time
Tilly was done brushing her teeth (Dad)"hey Pumpkin Listen you have two pieces over from your Sandwhich I brought you another just how you Like it anyhoo Good night sleep tight
Lisa was done brushing her teeth she put carmex Lip Balm on her lips and took an olly sleep gummy
Tilly wore a longsleeve green pajamas with zebra's all over with the Matching Pajama Pants
the very next day
tilly was at school
Lisa was doing some college work
Tilly wore a peach color hoodie with light blue jeans with rips in them with Leggings underneath and Combat high heel boots with the black heart earrings with the three rings and the Lipgloss
Lisa was still doing college work
The very next hour Later Dinner time
Lisa was making a big pot of Murchan Noodles
Tilly was done with her bath and was ready for bed she had on her kate spade slippers that came with her Pajamas
Lisa was still making the noodles
Tilly came down the stairs and then saw everyone staring at her
Lisa "I heard that Tevin asked you to the dance it was so cute"
Tilly "Yea and I got another Negative comment off of my outfit"
Lisa "what did the mean girl and her mean friends said"?