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Tilly "what made her even madder is that Tevin asked me to the Dance and Tevin told me that he wanted me to be his date and I was happy but it doesn't matter she is going to make sure I don't come to the dance but I am going and have the perfect Dress and here is what she said nobody would wear that ugly outfit nor those combat boots and the same boy said something again he said the only thing I see ugly is a gorilla that is missing from the zoo maybe you should Join them he made the the gorilla noises and everyone started Laughing"
Lisa laughed dang sis but she didn't say nothing
Tilly "No not after that im really looking forward to this dance I have the ticket's I have mine and Tevin got his ticket its going to be fun"
The very next hour christmas eve
Tilly was at the school dance with Tevin
Tilly wore a sliver sequin long sleeve Dress with stockings with chunky suede high heel boots
Lisa tilly looks so pretty in her dress with the hairstyle
Tilly was dancing with her friends and her boyfriend
The next hour Later
Principle Jackson "Alright it is time to Announce this year's winter princess and winter prince and drum roll please This Year's winter Princess goes To Tilly Wells and Winter prince Goes to Tevin please Join me on the stage to get your Crown's
Lisa was waiting up for tilly
Tilly went to the stage to get her crown along with Tevin as everyone was screaming and clapping really Loudly

(Principle Jackson)"congrats again now you two can have your dance"
The next hour Later
Tilly and tevin was slow dancing to rain by the Burbank Kids then heard the mean girl and her mean boyfriend sayin "They don't deserve to win this war isn't over
The next hour Later the dance was over and Tilly and tevin and the other's waited for the Limo to come
Tilly and her clique and her boyfriend and his homeboys got into the Limo
Lisa try to fight sleep
Tilly "That was fun best night ever" (Binkie)"Girl it was Lit and fun all at the same time and oh yea don't worry about my twin sister she does too much and tries to impress everyone I remember when we had those 5th-grade cheerleading tryouts she try to make sure you didn't show up but I wanted you to come I like cheering with you and everyone else" Tilly That's really sweet im glad we are cheering together"
The next morning which was Christmas Morning opening Gifts
Tilly opended some more gifts and then her eyes widened (Mom and Dad)"what's that Tilly"? Tilly "Thank you I love it its an Nintendo Switch thanks so much" (Blueface) "here is another present" Tilly opended the present woah she hugged him this chain is cool and cute (Blue Face)"its said princess Tilly on it" Tilly "Thanks she hugged him "