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The next hour later getting school stuff ready
Tilly was vlogging
Lisa was sound asleep in her room
Tilly was sound a sleep in her bed holding her hello kitty plush
To Be Continued
Tilly was at school
Lisa was doing college work
Tilly wore a longsleeve blue shirt with pink dounts on it with a pink skirt with her light blue vans with pink donuts on it with her pink bracelet
Lisa was doing some more college work
The very next hour Later at bath time
Lisa was reheating the Leftovers from Last night dinner
The very next hour Later after Tilly's bath
Lisa heard footsteps "How was school and what did the mean girl and her mean friends said"?
Tilly "school was good and got a negative comment off of my outfit again"
Lisa "tell me please"?
Tilly wore a prima longsleeve Pajama top with green strips with the Prima green strip pants with house slippers
Lisa was fixing Tilly's food
Tilly "The mean girl said ever since school started she still coming to school wearing those ugly outfits I wouldn't wear that ugly shirt with that ugly shade of that skirt and those shoes and then started Laughing and the same boy said something again he said ever since school started you still coming to wearing those ugly hair styles and let's not forget looking a multicolor High lighter and everyone started Laughing"
Tilly "Thanks for the Dinner"
Lisa "that outfit you had on was really cute sis don't worry about it"