Tevin "I wouldn't dream of it sir I know how much Tilly means to you"
John Wells "Okay I believe you and then you asked her out which is alright with me"
Tevin Jones "I had a crush on her since kindergartner and now she is my girlfriend"
John wells "I heard you guys have a date on Saturday so you guys have fun and cykeem will drive you guys"
Tevin "We are going to the arcade"
Tilly "im glad you are getting along with him dad"
Tilly wore a dark blue Turtle neck with light pink skirt with the heart shape necklace with heart shape earrings with black rose ring
A few minutes Later Yellow Light's was flashing
and wore the converse to match the top, she got off the bus she said good bye to her cheerleading friends and avoided the mean girl and her mean friends and the mean boyfriend, she waved to tevin
Tevin waved and then went back to talking to his football teammates
Lisa unlocked the car for her sister to get in
Tilly walked over to the car and got inside
Tilly "school was good and got another negative comment off of my outfit"