John Wells went upstairs to check on Tilly
John Wells "How was school and what did the Mean girl and her mean friends said"?
Tilly "school was good and the mean girl said who would wear that ugly turtle neck and that ugly pink high lighter skirt and those sneakers need to be kept in a box and the same boy said something again he said I wouldn't talk for someone who look like a turtle shouldn't you be in that thing you call a turtle shell and you even move slow like a turtle and everyone busted out in Laughing"
John Wells "That is a real cute outfit better yet all of your outfits are cute Pumpkin don't worry about what is being said you have grades to focus on so what did Tevin said"?
Tilly "He said it Looks cute and he look cute in the outfit he had on"
Tilly wore a blue hoodie with one sleeve saying ninety and the other sleeve saying three with a leather skirt with stockings underneath with blue converse high top sneakers with diamond earrings
Lisa was still doing college work
Clayton was doing some college work
Clayton grabbed his other key for his car "Im going to get Tilly from off the bus"