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Clayton went outside and cranked up his Bentley car

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a few minutes Later
Clayton waited for tilly bus to come
Lisa went down stairs and started making some snacks
Tilly saw Tevin and her friends waiting on her
Tevin "Hey Tilly you look pretty as always is that a new outfit"?
Tilly "Yep its a new outfit thanks noticing and I like your outfit is it new"?
Tevin wore a plaid button up shirt with light blue jeans and black belt with a snake on it with red nike retro high tops with the gold rolex watch
Tilly and her cheerleading clique made it to the bus area
Tevin "I had to pair these sneakers with this outfit and it works"
Tilly "I have three pairs of those shoes one color is pink,second color is light brown, third color is light blue"
The very next hour Later
Tilly was on the bus with her friends
a few minutes Later
Tilly was talking about cheerleading
clayton saw a bus coming
Tilly had her book bag on her back and purse and mask on
Clayton saw a blue bird all American school bus flashing lights
Tilly was getting off the bus she said goodbye to her cheerleading friends and her boyfriend and avioded the mean girl and her mean friends and the mean boyfriend
Clayton unlocked the car