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Lisa drove back to the house and turned the car off and got out

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Tilly put her book bag on her back and then put her mask in her purse and closed the door
Lisa locked the car and opended the front door
Tilly smiled "I have Homework should get it done and study group is going well"
Lisa "good'
Tilly "I get my lunch first and then headed to study hall to get all of my class work done"
Lisa "That's good sis and your grades on Power School are amazing"
Tilly gave her phone to Lisa and headed up stairs "hey Stacey"
Stacey "Hey Tilly looking cute"
Tilly "thanks"
The very next minute Later
Tilly was in the study room doing some homework from her Guidance teacher she wrote in Career Goal Journal
Lisa was making some snacks to have
Clayton "need some help"?
Lisa "of course thanks"
tilly was still doing homework
Stacey and the others sat in the study room until Tilly was done with homework
Lisa "okay here are some snacks" she placed the tray on the table
tilly "thanks" she grabbed the plate with some carrot sticks on it
Stacey and the others got the snacks and sat back down