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Saw her Mom walking into the Gymnasium to watch Tilly

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John ended his important phone call and put his phone in his pocket "Hey Lisa"
Lisa "hey Dad your just in time Tilly is getting ready to tumble"
John "okay your mom is coming in Now"
Clauda wells "Hey sweetie and Hi Honey what did I miss"?
John "You in time babe they are getting ready to Tumble"
Tilly started running and then started Tumbling and stuck the Landing
Lisa heard other cheerleaders clapping (Coach Lindsey)"That is what I wanna see when you are on that mat girls we are heading towards the state championship in a few months which in spring break"
Tilly went to sit on the mat with the other cheerleaders
The very next hour Later which was going on 8:00
Tilly "im leaving coach" (Coach Lindsey)"alright sweetie hold on a minute here is your long sleeve cheerleading shirt and here is your cheetah print bow that goes with the shirt"
Lisa waited for her sister
Tilly "Thanks coach when do we wear these"? (Coach Lindsey) "When we have spirit night at Taco Bell"
The very next hour Later
Tilly was in the car with her mom and dad and sister
John Wells "How was school and you did an amazing job at practice"
Tilly "school was good and got another negative comment off of my outfit"
John "The outfit you had on Today was really cute and your mother picked out that bracelet"
Tilly "The bracelet was beautiful and here is what the mean girl and what the mean friends said "They said who wear that shirt and those ugly shoes they should be placed on fire along with those pants and the bracelet needs to be returned to the jewelry store and the same boy said something again those hairstyles you been wearing need to be on fire along with that make up you are wearing make you look like a clown maybe you should let a clown do it and everyone busted out in laughter"
Clauda "sweetie I wouldn't let that get to me"