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John "they all sound yummy oh yea Tilly put an extra plate down please"
Tilly "already done that"
The very next hour Later
John "alright remember what I said" he opens the door well hello to you please come on in (Uncle Jack and the Girls)"well well look who it is the wealthy wells family shouldn't be on that fancy yatch he said while laughing and so did the girls"
Clauda wells "For your information we have better stuff to do we don't flash our wealth in anyway unlike you who does"
John 'Your right babe we don't and plus we worked very hard to get where we are"
Tilly "Its nice to see you to" (Uncle Jack and the Girls)"shouldn't be cheering on the sidelines oh wait cheerleading is not even a sport they said laughing"
Lisa "don't worry about sis he is just being childish"
Tilly "Im not following up anything he saids plus let's do what dad saids anyway"
Lisa "Okay and he shouldn't have said that"
The very next hour Later
The very next day
Lisa was at the Burbank Community College doing the Martin Luther king March
Tilly was doing the Martin Luther King Walk from Burbank Elementary School to Northwood Drive
The very next hour Later
Tilly wore a pink Island bell long sleeve pink crop top with black jeans with holes in the knee with the chunky heel boots
Lisa was getting the Leftovers from the fridge
John wells were at the Financial office working
Clauda were at the Financial office working
Lisa was doing college work