Tilly was getting off the bus she said goodbye to her friends and her boyfriend and avoided the mean girl and her mean friends and the jerk boyfriend
Tilly got off the bus as the bus doors closed and the noise went off and headed to the car
Tilly opended the car door and got in and closed the door and buckle her seatbelt
Tilly "school was good and got another negative comment off of my outfit"
Lisa "what did the mean girl and mean friends said"?
Tilly "They said I wouldn't wear that outfit if it was the last thing on this earth with that ugly beanie those are most ulgiest thing ever along with that outfit and they started Laughing and the same boy said something again he said I wouldn't talk for someone who looks like a cow and he started saying Moo Look there is a cow on the Lose you should go back to the farm and everyone busted out in laughter"
Tilly was helping with the dish washer
Lisa "Thanks for helping me sis with the dish washer
tilly smiled "Its no problem" she continued to get the dishes out of the dishwasher and started drying them off
The very next hour the chores was done
Lisa was upstairs cleaning her bathroom up
Tilly was still watering the plants in the house
Lisa was still cleaning up her bathroom
Tilly was done watering the plants she went outside to take care of the garden
Lisa was still cleaning her bathroom