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Forums » Roleplay » how was school

Johnathan was at school
Tilly wore a yellow long sleeve shirt with the word cider on it with a blue and yellow plaid skirt with stockings underneath with the yellow airforce ones with the earrings and rings
Lisa was doing her college work
Johnathan wore a purple Longsleeve shirt with astrity and picture on it with black long pants with the sneakers with the purple and black strip fingerless gloves with the purple Acene Studio Beanie
Lisa was still doing college work
a few minutes Later
Lisa was at the bus stop waiting for Tilly
Tilly was cleaning her glasses and then put them back on
A few minutes Later a bus come with flashing lights
Tilly was getting off the bus she waved to her friends and boyfriend and avoid the mean girl and her mean friends and the jerk boyfriend
Lisa unlocked the car door for her sister
Tilly headed for the car as the bus drove away
Lisa how was school?
Tilly got into the car "school was good got another negative comment off of my out"
Lisa "what did the mean girl and mean friends said"?
Tilly "They said who would wear such an ugly outfit with those sneakers looking like a dead yellow sunflower those colors don't look good together then they started Laughing and same boy said something he said you look like Skunk knowning how stink they are everytime you fart it stinks up the whole room and everyone busted out laughing"
The very next minute back at the house Tilly was doing homework in the studio room
Johnathan was getting off the bus he said by to his friends and his crush and avoid his enemy
Lisa "how was school Johnathan"?
Johnathan "school was good sis where is Tilly"?