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John "I am so proud of you sweetie another straight A report card"
Tilly "Thanks"
Johnathan Wells "Here is my Report Card Dad"
John "That's my boy I am very proud of you Straight A report card alright I am buying subway for everybody honey can you grab the keys"
Clauda "I am super proud of you both you guys really worked hard in school this weekend I know you and Tilly have plans but chores will be done before going anywhere understood"?
Tilly "Understood mom"
The very next day Lisa was doing some more college work
Tilly wore a grey long sleeve shirt with white stripes on the sleeves and light blue jeans with a few rips and wore grey low top converse sneakers
Clauda "The buses are running a little late"
Johnathan wore a black longsleeve shirt that saids black veil birds with the necklace with the bracelets and black beanie with his letter jacket
Tilly "I hear a bus that must be my bus I love you mom and she hugged her brother"
Clauda "Bye sweetie and Love you too"
Tilly got out and headed for the bus she had her mask on
Clauda "alright Johnathan its just me and you"
Johnathan "Mom can I ask you something"?
Clauda "sure sweetie what is on your mind"?
Johnathan "when does Tilly start Middle school"?
Clauda "she start Middle school on August 22 2023 why"?
Johnathan "I just asking because I know she is dealing with a Jealous Enemy"
Clauda "mhm I just don't want her fighting Jealously is a dangerous thing and instead of being Jealous it wouldn't kill to be kind hearted"