Lisa Wells you look cute sis is that a new scurchie?
Tilly um Yea thanks the Whole outfit is new
Lisa looked at the clock and said it was almost time for tilly to come home
Tilly was in art class making paper roses (Mrs Candy) very good everyone and looking great keep up the great work next week will be painting them I will be passing the Aprons around for you guys so you don't get paint on your outfits
Lisa wells went to pick up Tilly from the bus stop
Tilly was on her way home from school after a long day
Lisa Wells was ironing Tilly school clothes for Tomorrow
Tilly Texted her sister about yesterday saying I got negative comments off of my outfit and again today but I will tell you when I get home
Lisa Wells Text back alright put your phone away before you get in trouble
Tilly was getting ready to do some work (Mrs Claire) good morning everyone phones in the basket please we have work to get done
Tilly turned the ringer off and her phone and put it in the basket along with the others
Lisa Wells was working on her cheerleading stuff she had one green pom pom and one black one and started practicing a little bit
Tilly was in the Library with her classmates she whispered while talking with her cheerleading friends
Lisa Wells was almost done practicing and then went down stairs to check on dinner
Tilly went to look at the captian underpants series along with dairy of a wimpy kid (Mr Wheldon) those are some funny books do you guys know there was a captian underpants movie? Tilly I had no idea but it was a funny movie
Lisa Wells how was school today Little sis?