Tilly Wells they said who would wear white converse and a burgundy crop top
Lisa Wells they are so jealous sis don't worry about it you look cute anyway
Tilly I don't care what they have to say its my swagger I do what i want with it
Lisa Woke up around 5:00 am to get her sister ready for school
Tilly was up getting dressed for school when she heard a knock on the door
Lisa Wells getting ready to say sis you have big day of school hurry up and get breakfast
Lisa Wells today's breakfast is Eggo Homestyle waffles
Lisa Wells was putting Tilly's breakfast in the toaster oven
Tilly Wells was coming down the steps
Lisa Wells alright (Mom and Dad) good morning breakfast smells good, Lisa Thanks oh yeah i made coffee for the both of you
Tilly heard the toaster she grabbed her breakfast and sat down and put more waffles in the toaster oven for her mom and dad
Lisa Wells poured two cups of coffee for mom and dad
Lisa brought one mug and tilly had the other one they placed on the table
Tilly grabbed the syrup from out of the cabinet