Matt just goes to the 4th wall. "Well." Matt attaches a 4th wall break count. 4th wall break count: 1
Here we are, the Iron Fortress. A totally normal fortress that it's not filled with enemies... or is it?
"Well gang, here we are. The Iron Fortress. Lance is here somewhere so get ready."
She'd now be ridimg on Reina's back as she's useless for the most part, othe than healing right now
Cue Matt just leading the party. "Hmm. Tank tracks. We must be near the entrance." Matt then followed the tracks until... An ambush!
Reina casts a prismatic shield to protect them
(It's not a bother, but if you don't want to, i won't press you...)
"Yo incoming tank!-" Matt yelled out.
(actually, can we continue 2morrow? im tired)
(Im here still, and if your tired you should probably sleep)
(We probably shouldn't but I do wanna do some more stuff with Aguya-)
(Ideas for the mistress to Make, her name litterally means mistress of fire so it wouldn't be weird to say that-)
Moderators: Taro_Nuke1