(.... don't even start. Maki isn't even paying attention to her daughter Whose fault is it really?
(she may act like an adult, but she's still technically a child."
(You say that Maki's weaker than her kid, who am I if not to comply?)
I desummoned Vegeta once again because don’t do that, that is godmodding on a huge factor unless you were a narrator and if you use your narrator character to summon Vegeta, that is on your narrator.
Gitai doe not understand tha concept, and is now confused even with her genius.
"I gathered a few survivors with me. Butter, Robin, Nolegs and the slime bunny i just captured."
(taro... the thing restarted.... why si it still being talked about?)
((B E C A U S E F O R T H E S A K E O F P L O T S))
Butter pat Robin's head
( No more time shinanigans-)
( No more time shinanigans-)
(yeah... so it was already reversed... so now it never happened...)
(btw, Maki may be weaker that Gitai in raw power, but she has the experience advantage)
((What I am saying is please do not have your character resummon a character if I am playing Narrator. If Narrator-sama decides to summon Vegeta, I won’t have anything to do about it))
(sorry, i wasn't trying to Godmod...)
Matt then looks at Butter. "..."
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