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Butter is being butter..not much to her anyways-

((I messed up Kine's message :( ))
Matt waved to Butter. I guess that's his only option. "Yo, what's up?"
Butter tackle hugs him "Hi!"
"Ah!-" Matt was tackled into a hug! However he recovered a little bit of HP because of that.
Robin was thinking about the events that happened before the dreadful time reset and muttered to herself, “Did that all happened or was all just a fever dream?”
"All this did happened."
(he shouldn't have his memories..._
(brain moment)
(... he shouldn't have his memories. That;s how bites the dust works)
Kine wrote:
"No more of that-" the resets cause time to break down as it really doesnt like moving backwards-

((Going off of this, Yin. In my thoughts, I used this as the effect of your time reset to wear down; simply as Robin remembering it all but as a fever dream like state))
((... da fuck?))
"That is strange", she said then winced in pain due to a sudden flashback of hearing the people's screams.


(OOC: Also the Butterfly Effect can imply to the situation too)
((my brain hurts... i just wanted Gitai to go dunk of op anime characters..._
Crimson just swims around in a circle, she loved the harbor
Gitai sighs. "Where's my mohter? Rika is on a mission..."
Matt then looks outside. Yup, still a war-zone. Then he looked at Butter. As he just places a slice of bread on top of her head. "Pff-"
Maki is currently sleeping on the couch
Butter just kinda collapses, crushing him D:

Moderators: Taro_Nuke1