(... uless Haunt can see through the 4th wall, he can't see them)
((... God.... Damnit.... Narrator-Sama about to go on a 4th wall breaking, seeing, and see-through-ing people genocide)
(i just realized i was using Gitai as Narrator-Sama)
“Nah, it feel artificial to me” , he shook his head, “And I am the official narrator of Universe 0317 or simply HOC.” He pulls out his badge.
(OOC: A nice comedy addition to he being a narrator, I don’t mind if the other narrator characters adopt this badge. Fun fact: peanuts symbolize vitality and longevity)
(OOC: A nice comedy addition to he being a narrator, I don’t mind if the other narrator characters adopt this badge. Fun fact: peanuts symbolize vitality and longevity)
He pulls the badge away and he croaks. He returns to the realm of Narrators, humming the Gilmore Girls theme song.
Narrator decides to make a joke. "hey, i thought you were immortal? How'd you croak then?"
"Don't know, maybe it is the fact that I outlived my lifespan", he joked back.
Narrator smiles. "At least someone has a sense of humor... not that i can talk, i don't normally use mine."
“Other than, natural instincts. After all, it is quite warm in the tropics”, he chuckled.
Narrator nods. "Yes... the power of the 4th wall.. i can go anywhere, but not anytime... due to my responsabilitys
“As narrators, it is our duty to narrate when needed”, he nodded, “The universes will be out of function.”
Narrator nods. "Unfortunatly, my job as part of the Celestial Watchers also include correcting the timeline..."
Cue Matt just relaxing on top of the fortress. Peaceful lad sometimes.
And Nolegs is watching out the window. Nothing seems to be going on... for now.
Gitai is passed out on a bench in the park. Pretty muhc looking like a really scary and stylish drunk
haunt had been sitting under a tree by the beach, looks like ghosts enjoy the beach too
Moderators: Taro_Nuke1