Gitai walks up to Maki. "Mom mom mom mom mom mom mom mom mom"
(Taro, the warzone is gone. right Astro?"
Gita dodges. "Mom, im bored and in Rage mode.... i need help."
(loll, we did a funny)
(loll, we did a funny)
Matt took the bread off her. He's slowly suffocating. He's losing 1 HP every second.
"a- guys- help- i- can't breathe-"
Cue Nolegs just tapping Butter. "Butter- i think your suffocating him by just crushing him."
"Deal with it, give your old bag a rest will ya?" In reality it takes several years for her to age by one, so she's litterally a year older now-
Butter meanwhile gets up, and heals him with oat milk
Butter meanwhile gets up, and heals him with oat milk
Matt got up then pats Butter's head. "Thanks for the oat milk."
Gitai hugs Maki. "Mooooom im bored though! and you know how my Rage mode works, if it isn't stopped..."
"Anyone got any food?", she sighed as she tried shake off her sudden flashback.
"I got a slice of pizza before the destruction." Matt said, handing Robin the slice of pizza.
(everyhting is fiiiiiiiiiiiiine)
((must i gotta repeat the same for the sake of plots-))
(Matt breaks the fourth wall plenty in the game, it doesnt matter, just if your gonna make your character all evil make their misdoings permanent)
((Hell, even Matt just talking to the player is the most funniest to me-))
Moderators: Taro_Nuke1