Cue Nolegs just sitting on the house roof. Huh. Pretty normal.
"I can see the fortress from 'ere!"
"Oh hey. You down there. Yes, i'm talkin' to you!"
He'd been sitting under a tree, reading "the hound of the baskervilles"
"Mmhm, strange cat?" Shed step onto her broom and float up to him "Yes?"
"Nothing, i just wanted to say hi. Hold on." Nolegs yelled over to Lance. "Catch this!" Nolegs threw a paper air-plane overhand. Without any arms or hands. How does he do it?
" I can make hundreds of those, wanna throw them with me?"
"Also, Lance. Matt said that there's some glitch portals around this world. And now, other people from other fandoms is falling into our world."
"Come to think of it, We also got Paper Mario as well."
"Ey guys?- Why can i hear screechi-" Suddenly, Nolegs was squished by Matt!
She'd just look at him before offering a book, this boom being literally just a spellbook
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